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Argument in favor of part-time work

Why part-time work is a good idea for your mental health and your career

2 min read
A brick wall with the words Live, Work, Create

For a while I switched from working full-time to part-time (three days, eight hours each day). Being the best decision I could ever take back then, I would like to share what I learnt.

Inverting work-life balance

This might be hard at the beginning, since you have the feeling you are going against the world. Some guilty feeling might arise because of not feeling productive on a normal work day. However, after tolerating these unpleasant feelings, this new life adjustment gives you a freedom you will not probably risk to lose again.

Living with less is possible

And I mean here both money and work. In my view, more is not always better. Do not get me wrong. I don’t want to say that we should be conformist.

Not at all.

I am just saying that rushing through life as if your work status were everything might be inconvenient and create internal conflict at some point. Above all when productivity and mentalhealth are also parts of the work equation.

Does being passionate justify everything?

At this moment I belong to the IT sector and I love what I do.

However, loving (what you do) does not justify everything.

I don’t want to belong to that part of IT who almost intertwines sick leaves with holidays because of burnout, anxiety, and depression.

Stress management techniques along with better priorization skills and tools might not be enough to deal with all these above-mentioned phenomena.

What if working less would really give you more?

And no, this is not being lazy or having a lack of commitment, it is just contemplating a way of life that deviates a bit from the 5-day-week-9-to-5 system, no overtime considered.

What’s your thoughts on the part-time solution?

Hit me up on LinkedIn to discuss more about this topic!

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