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You have the great idea
I'll make it real.

I'm a passionate developer, entrepreneur, and general technology enthusiast settled in Hamburg. My goal is to help others develop their ideas in the most modern, performantic and web accessible way.

Manuel looking to the side with a backpack in Tromsø, Norway, with a note saying 'Hi, I'm Manuel!' and experience badges for React and TypeScript. He is wearing a black jacket and a blue backpack.
React logo5 years of experience
TypeScript logo3 years of experience
TailwindCSS logo 4 years of experience

Check out my latest work

All of my projects are designed with the user in mind, and I strive to create a seamless experience for everyone who interacts with my work.

The Hamburg Times Cover

The Hamburg Times

Have you ever played incremental games? They are games where you have to click on the screen to get points and buy upgrades. I've always been fascinated by them, so I decided to create one myself. The Hamburg Times is a simple incremental game where you have to click on the screen to get points and buy upgrades.

Game Development
Chat with PDF Cover

Chat with PDF

As a person who likes learning himself, I decided to create a chat application with PDF support so that I can challenge myself. This is of course only of the applications of the Chat with PDF project.

Product Development
collabender Cover


Since I did not want Google to know that much info about me, I decided to start this project to have a collaborative calendar with my couple. It is a simple calendar where you can add events, delete them, and see them in a list. But also, you can create events that are only visible to you or to all the participants, choose category, state is partially managed from server using urls and cookies, and user name is fetched through just the password.

Product Development
World Retro Engine Mockup

Retro World Engine

This is an engine that lets you create your own retro world in a matter of minutes. It is done in such a way that just adding the sprites, the dialogues and some basic config will suffice to create an amazing experience.

Product Development
Bee Icons Cover

Bee Icons

My biggest open-source project so far. Bee Icons is a free icon library for designers and developers. Now we have over 200 icons! The project is open-source and free to use for personal and commercial projects. The website is built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js. It's a custom website design with a focus on user experience and performance.

Product Development Branding
manulingo Cover


I know, I know, who is using clones in his portfolio these days... The thing is that there were a lot of new technologies that I applied here and I wanted to show them off. I used Next.js, TailwindCSS with shadcn/ui, Vercel, Authentication with Clerk, Neon for database, drizzle for ORM, sonner for toaster, elevenlabs for voices with AI, react-admin, payments through Stripe. Really. A lot of stuff!

Product Development
Capcom Cover

Capcom - Game Advisor

A project I created for my advanced Qwik Course on Udemy. Find out which game is best for you through some simple steps!

Product Development
Simpsons Cover

The Simpsons Quotes

This is also a project I created for my advanced Qwik Course on Udemy. I teach here how to use some of the specifities of the library and also how to do simple fetch requests with revalidation.

Product Development

Projects That Should Be Paying My Bills (But Aren't)

Here's a collection of things I built to fix my own problems—then realized they might help others too. Still waiting for the checks to roll in.